Monday, September 13, 2010

Catching up..

I'm finally catching up on a  million projects!  I actually downloaded pictures today for the first time in ? I don't even know.. I guess we have birthday pictures up.. Two months?

Brian got his wisdom teeth out today.  He is doing well and since I had to be home with him all day (and Burke was at daycare) I got an incredible amount of things done! Carpets are finally clean (yay!  cleaner and vacuumed!), floors mopped, kitchen cleaned, Burke's room cleaned, our room cleaned AND uploaded pictures and organized ebay junk.. NICE!  And I also finished my crayon project for Ashley's wedding! :)  Can you tell I'm excited?

Burke is still doing great.  He still loves going to daycare and playing with all his buddies.  After 5 days of no daycare, he actually squeals in delight when we pull in.  Although I love spending time with him, I do love that he enjoys daycare!

I'm going to go ahead and catch up with all my pics over the past few months, since I know some of you are dying to see them :)

Ashley made Burke this very cool sign for his door (I need to post a picture), so we decided Burke should paint a picture for Ashley.  We did 3 layers.. he rolled around, fingerpainted, etc.. Then when that dried he walked on it, then did handprints.  The idea was good.. Finished product... well he's only 14 months old! :)

Ashley seemed to love it.. I told her she really didn't have to put it up.. We actually had Burke do two of them so we could have one too :)  The plan will be to have each of our kids do one around their first bday..

Burke loves cookies! (but hates ice cream?!?) and was caught red handed with a box of cookies and watching TV!

Sunday's are dinner night with Kaitlin.  Kaitlin is at Radford now and we are SO EXCITED!  We make her do dinner once a month with us (although she said she would go for free food anytime).. This month we met at Red Robin.  She seems to really be enjoying college and I'm so glad!  She has some great friends (and a boyfriend already?!?) :) And for the record, she said she isn't transfering to VT like originally planned.. I'm very saddened by this ;)

Burke enjoyed his dinner with Kaitlin!

Burke is demonstrating his "new" trick.. Blowing kisses.. he's actually been doing it for about a month.. But its super cute :) and he even does the smooch sound...

Just goofing around.. Burke has mastered the art of being a huge ham when you bring out the camera!

ENJOY!!  Be back soon!


  1. I WANT TO SEE HIM! And you guys too I suppose. ;) Miss all three of you.

  2. Pool closes Sunday.. I need one more weekend and we'll be money!!!! I want to go for a hike to the Cascades before it gets to cold AND pumpkin patch again this year.. let's pick some dates for either or!
