So I will get around to talking about Christmas one of these days, and hopefully post some pics, but I thought I would welcome in the New Year with a little look back over the last year and last decade!
June 2000 - I graduated from HIgh School! 2010 sounded soooo very far away. Kaitlin (my little sister) will graduate this June and I remember thinking that would be forever!
August 2000 - I entered Virginia Tech!!
September 2001 - Brian and I met and never looked back!
May 2002 - I started working at Blacksburg Country Club
- I'm sure some random things happened in there :)
May 2004 - I graduated from VT
May 2005 - Brian graduated from VT and we took our first vacation together - DISNEY WORLD!
Spring 2006 - Brian started working full-time at the Smart Road (had been working there part-time for a couple years)
May 2006 - I graduated AGAIN (Masters Degree)
December 2006 - We got ENGAGED!!
May 2007 - I graduated AGAIN this time from my Internship!
September 2007 - We got married!
March 2008 - Bought our first house
December 6, 2008 - Found out we were expecting! (and the Hokies won the ACC Championship - GREAT DAY!)
January 2009 - Went on our first Cruise! (Disney of course) and ran a 5k through Animal Kingdom
July 6, 2009 - Burke very unexpectedly came 5.5 weeks early!!
What a year it has been! We started out the year with a cruise and trip to Disney. This was a trip we had planned back in August and were very excited about! We decided to train (which we didn't do) for a 5k (which we did do) happening in Disney World while we were there. We found out about a month before leaving that Burke would be joining us in August! A few changes to the itenerary and we were off on a great vacation! We spent the Spring getting ready for the arrival of the little man, which as many of you know, we had no idea if it was a boy or girl?! Luckily we were basically ready when he arrived 5.5 weeks early. My water broke June 27 and I got to sit in the hospital until Burke made his appearance on July 6! He has been a great addition to our family. We have had so much fun getting to know him and learning how to raise a baby! We had great holidays in Richmond visiting family and ended the year with a Hokie win! What more could you want!??
Here's to a great 2010!