Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wonderful Weekend!

So we had an absolutely wonderful weekend at home!  It was so nice to have no place to be and enjoy some family time without worrying about needing to be some place!!!!  We went out Saturday morning to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. YUM!  We are doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace/Envelope System and had a great first week.  We had $25 left in our stash of eating out so decided to go out for breakfast.  Going out is nothing new to us, I swear there were many weeks we would go out EVERY day, but with our new budget, that won't be happening, so we appreciate it so much more...  When we sat down at 10:30 and looked at the menu, Brian said, "WHAT no lunch?!... Oh yeah, I love breakfast.." He's CRAZY! We enjoyed a great breakfast and stuffed ourselves.  We then headed home.. since we were out of money and talked about going for a walk, etc.  Instead, I enjoyed a little snooze, while Burke did and Brian played some video games.  Brian put Burke down for his afternoon nap and when I got him up this is how he looked...

Brian informed me that he took his jeans off since it would be uncomfortable to sleep in them, but it was too much work to take off his shoes (you may notice they velcro).. Once again.. he's CRAZY! :)

When Burke woke up (an hour and a half nap in his own bed!! that's huge), we were headed out to eat for dinner (yes, we were breaking the rules, but we had our grocery money we never spent... so I was going to cave ;)) when we talked to Susan and Matt.. so instead of going out, we ordered in and hung out... We love hanging out with them, and Abbey (she's almost 3) keeps us well entertained! Natalie and Burke love playing together!

So we had some yummy PK's (pretty fast delivery too!) and enjoyed some quality family/friend time. 

Sunday morning was a little rough, but we made it :)  Burke chose to stay up all night Saturday night, but I forced us to make it to church this morning.  Once again, he was SO good during Mass.  Monica held him without a peep for about 30-45 min, then handed him over to me, where he just fell asleep without any problem!  When we got home, we played some and Brian finally rolled out of bed :) As soon as he was up, I ran out to the grocery store.  When I got home, we made some lunch, while Burke napped and enjoyed all of 20 minutes of quiet (maybe closer to 45 min).  When he woke up, we headed out to Old Navy for their AWESOME sale!  EXTRA 50% all the clearance items.  Burke got lots of new clothes and pjs (next two sizes up, he needs NO MORE 3-6 months clothes)! But you can't pass up $2 jeans and cute pjs!! And I may have gotten a couple of new sweaters.  (We went over our budgeted misc. cash envelope by about $10, but it was well worth it!)  We then headed to Target for some new lotion for Burke, Johnson and Johnson and Aveeno are just not cutting it for his dry skin!  After Target, we headed home and enjoyed a somewhat quiet afternoon (minus the fact Burke didn't really have a decent nap and was pretty crabby).  I cooked lasagna for dinner and Burke had peas again.. so there you have it.. Our weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. We always have such a great time with you guys! I can't wait until Burke and Natalie are bigger and can actually PLAY together. :)

