Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Field Trip!

Monday, Burke's class went on their first driving field trip, so basically every parent was also there. This was the best I could do on pictures.  They went to the duck pond, had a scavenger hunt, snack, played parachute and fed the ducks.  It's so fun to watch the kids interact.  I was shocked to learn that most of the kids are younger siblings and only two are the oldest child, who happen to be Burke and his best buddy Connor.  I think the kids really enjoyed it and I thought it was nice to visit with the other moms.  These are the days that I LOVE my job :) 

Campbell enjoyed it too!! He was able to come on this trip and since he thinks he's 3 too it was perfect! He was able to play with the friends and chase the geese :) I'm  having a hard time with the fact that Burke only has one year before kindergarten!!

Burke is unimpressed

Heidi, Burke and Connor -3 musketeers  

After the field trip, we came back to the house and Burke helped me work. It slowed the process but was super cute :). Pool season is almost here!

Binding books is super fun if you're 3!

Fun days!!

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